Contents of the External Training Screen

The External Training screen displays the following columns and actions.


Column Description
Name/Title This is the name of the external training. Click the name to see details about the training, including the description.
Type This is the type or medium used to deliver the external training.
School/Organization This is the university or professional organization that offered the external training.
Completion Date This is the date that you completed the external training.
Cost This is the tuition fee or cost amount of the external training.
Acknowledged When you enter information about external training at Learning > External Training, your manager receives an email notice to review your entry and acknowledge it. A Yes displays here if the manager has acknowledged the entry, a No if not.
Acknowledged By This field displays the name of your manager, or blank your manager has not acknowledged your entry.


The icons in the Actions column perform the following functions.

Icon Action Description
Edit Click this option to edit the course details.
Delete Click this option to delete the course from your list of outside courses.
Request Tuition Assistance Click this option to request tuition assistance for external training.
View/Manage Tuition Assistance Request This option displays only if a tuition assistance request has already been made. Click this option to view the details of the request.